Cash Flow

Cash Flow Insights

Take control of your cash flow and make data-driven decisions with ready-to-use Power BI Cash Flow reports.

Improve cash flow management

Did you know that one of the most common reasons for companies going out of business is poor cash flow visibility and management?

Knowing your cash flow numbers is crucial to your business success. Staying on top of your cash will help you make proactive decisions at the right time to support your business growth.

Our extensive range of 15+ standard cash flow reports are designed to empower your business and maximise cash flow performance with a 360-degree, end-to-end view across your cash flow forecast and bank transactions.

Optimise your cash flow performance

Our Cash Flow report suite brings all of your data from Business Central together in a comprehensive way that allows you to view and analyse data, identify trends for all source types, such as receivables, payables, sales orders, purchase orders, service orders, jobs or tax.

A reliable solution for all your reporting and analytic needs

Our suite of pre-designed reports gives you immediate access to critical information such as

  • Cash Flow Overview

  • Cash Flow Statistics

  • Availability by Periods

  • Cash Flow vs. Actuals

  • Bank Overview

Features and benefits of the Cash Flow app:

  • Over 100 measures and over 20 dimensions to ensure that your reporting and analysis tells you what is happening in your business.

  • Drill through the data to show source transactions (cash flow ledger entries and bank entries).

  • Decomposition Tree that presents a hierarchical view of your data and allows you to deep dive into your dimensions and attributes in any order.

Q&A is also included where you can ask questions, such as:

  • Show inflows and outflows by month.

  • Show cash flow by source type.

  • Show bank account and cash flow balances.

Discover how our Cash Flow reports can transform the way you do business

Whether you want hands-on experience in a trial environment or a live demo by a solution expert, we’re here to help you explore and evaluate our Business Central Cash Flow Insights app.